If you can avoid using numbing cream, that is ideal! Mostly because it is really unpredictable as to how your skin will react to it. More often than not, numbing cream makes the skin super spongy and it is harder to tattoo as it does not absorb the ink as well. If you know that you can’t tolerate tattoo pain very well, then some numbing cream could help you, but keep in mind it may end up costing more money if it affects the consistency of your skin and takes the tattoo artist longer to tattoo you.

If you are sure that you will not be able to handle the pain, the best creams on the market that we know of are Emla Cream and TKTX Cream. Please email us if you are thinking about using these creams as your artist may have specific instructions for these products.

We also have Bactine in the shop which has Lidocain in it (the stuff that numbs) that can be used once the skin is broken, however, this only lasts usually 15 minutes and can sometimes affect how the tattoo heals - the use of Bactine is up to your artist’s discretion.

Overall, if you can avoid numbing products, that is the best option! But if you have been tattooed before and know that you need some relief to get through the session, then please email us to let us know and we will check with your artist on the best option for the style of tattoo you are getting.